
Thoughtfully designed, timeless essentials are meant to have multiple lives. Our pieces will hold a place in your closet season over season, but once their time is up - we’ve created a circularity platform to ensure they get recycled.
In partnership with SuperCircle, we are committed to keeping clothing out of landfill. Send in your pre-loved clothing today (all brands welcome) and earn credits in our store to start building your &Or wardrobe. We hope you will join us.

How it works
1. Sign up - Collective Continuum
2. Prepare clean clothing from any brand that is not in sellable condition
3. Ship using your pre-paid shipping label
4. Receive credits towards your next &Or purchase
5. We’ll ensure your garments never make it to landfill through our fibre to fibre recycling program powered by SuperCircle
Let's close the loop together. We’ve thought a lot about how we manufacture and source yarns as well as the partnerships we forge to embed circularity into our business. The goal is to lessen our impact while designing timeless, effortless and contemporary pieces that suit all your &’s and or’s. We are stronger when we work together, the power of the collective - join the movement.